We mix CGI backgrounds into our photography projects a lot. In this ad campaign for all the background are via CGI - the jungle, heavenly closet, neon city, ballet streetscape, shoe museum, chair/fireplace, and speed boat are all virtual, computer generated creations.
This behind-the-scenes video is 5+ years old already, but it still does a great job of showing how our 3D artists can help bring great visuals to life.
Dirt Devil & Hoover Vacuums
We create a lot of vacuums via CGI because our client is often working on their marketing campaign while still finalizing the final product design. Here you can see two shots we captured in a production studio where prototypes were used instead of the real thing. Our team then takes the engineering CAD and creates a 3D version of the vacuum and renders it to match the angle and lighting on the scene.
BEFORE with prototype vacuum
AFTER with CGI vacuum created from client-supplied CAD
BEFORE with prototype vacuum
AFTER with CGI vacuum created via client-supplied CAD
Arts & Science Council
The Arts & Science Council hired our team to produce works of art that showcase history, science, and the arts in a series of mega-images. Get a sense of how each of these images comes to life by peering behind-the-scenes at our computer setups with mannequin placeholders, and watch the making-of video.
City of Charlotte
This project for the City of Charlotte was about keeping the sidewalks clear and needed a summertime look (to showcase Charlotte's great tree canopy, green grass, etc), but the production was taking place in January. Solution? Create a CGI background image.
Moment Mile
In 2014, Sean organized 138 photographers to capture a single moment along a one-mile stretch of uptown Charlotte. This one-of-a-kind project took a lot of coordination and was created to benefit The Light Factory. Learn more by watching the behind-the-scenes video below.